I was born in Calgary, AB. I lived there for two years. This is my first home. Where Mommy and Daddy brought me from the hospital, where I took my first steps and said my first word. So many great memories. But now it is time to move on. After ten years of being away from Prince Albert, Mommy said she is finally ready to move back home (kinda). She wants me to be close to family and friends. And she always gets a good parking spot at Superstore. I also noticed my Dad Isn't yelling at the traffic anymore. I think I am going to like this little city. There are lots of things we are going to miss about Calgary. The culture, McMahon Stadium, planet organic, the food (Lebanese pitas, Vietnamese subs, East Indian butter chicken....)southland water park, independent films, chinooks, the farmer's market, Daddy's really going to miss reffing basketball, Mommy's really going to miss Aunty Lou and Aunty Bee (and all the delicious suppers) and Baby Gap too, and I am really going to miss gymboree and my first babysitter/favorite girl Miss Maddy. Peace out Calgary.